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Paper and Cardstock

Choosing the right paper and card stock is essential as this provides the structure to all your cards.

So, how do you choose from the huge variety available when they are sold in different sizes, colours, weight (thicknesses) texture and quality?

A time saving alternative is buy pre cut and scored cards. 

Paper and Card Stock Sizes

Paper and Card are sold in standard sizes.

The most common and the easiest to store is International A4 size or US Letter.  

See Card Sizes and Layers

A5 (half the size of A4) or US Half Letter is also useful for card fronts and for cutting shapes and designs.

For crafting, paper and card is also sold in packs of 12” and 6” squares .

cardstock and designer paperCardstock and Designer Paper


The range of colours is VAST! 

Although white and vanilla are the most commonly used for card blanks and card inserts there are no rules on the choice of colours.

Packs of paper and card are sold in single colours, colour families or mixed coloured cards (lights, brights or metallic).

Designer papers with decorative designs are sold in colour families and usually have different colour/design on the front and the back.


Paper and card are measured in weight – this is the thickness of the card.

It is usually measured in grams per square metre (gsm).  

Different weights suit different tasks.

For card bases look for a heavier weight card stock. As if it's too light the card won’t be able to support your card front and embellishments.

Designer or patterned paper for your card fronts and envelopes are usually a lighter card stock.



The texture of your card or paper can add dimension and interest to your cards.

Standard paper and card is sold in matt or glossy finishes. Metallic card may have a rough or smooth surface.

Some may have an embossed finish such as rough watercolour paper.

Vellum is used in card making to add a delicate and elegant effect to cards.  It offers a fine texture in a translucent finish which is smooth to the touch.

In recent years handmade paper has grown in popularity as they offer uneven textures in beautiful designs. 

Made using traditional methods and natural materials such as wood, flowers and grass they can make your cards as individual as your design.

handmade papersHandmade Papers


Not all paper and card are equal!

The quality of your materials can affect the look your cards. 

For a professional finish buy a quality product.

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